One of the new NFTs in DATA2073 includes DATA Chips, Blueprint Fragments, and DATA Blueprints.

🔹 DATA Chip

A rare item that contains a fragment of an encrypted code.

🎯 How to obtain?

By playing matches, you have a chance to earn a DATA Chip as a reward.

  • When decoding (opening) a DATA Chip, you will receive 4 Blueprint Fragments.

📌 Types of DATA Chips and fragment drop rates:

  • DATA Chip Pyron → Common 59,75%, Rare 30%, Epic 10%, Legendary 0,25%

  • DATA Chip Solara → Common 59,75%, Rare 30%, Epic 10%, Legendary 0,25%

  • DATA Chip Voltarx → Common 59,75%, Rare 30%, Epic 10%, Legendary 0,25%

  • DATA Chip Legendary → Legendary 100%

Faction-specific DATA Chips grant only Fragments from their respective faction, while Legendary DATA Chips can provide Fragments of any Legendary Mechanoid.

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